The Trust shall construct choultries near all the Temples which are renovated and maintained by the Trust. The Trust shall also construct choultries close to several important and ancient Temples in India to help poor devotees and pilgrims to avail free boarding or lodging facilities.

The spiritual devotees, pilgrims, travelers, visitors and spiritual tourists shall use the choultries as a resting place and can utilize essential services. Those who can afford and need little comfort shall utilize separate rooms on nominal fees.

The poor devotees and pilgrims shall be fed with free food and water twice a day. The poor families who visit the Temples and wish to cook their own food could utilize the common kitchens. The bathrooms and toilets can be used by paying nominal service charges. The poor families who want to conduct their family marriages in the Temples can utilize the specific spaces and sheds allotted for such purposes, either free of cost or for nominal charges.

These choultries shall be run on the basis of the ” Chatram-Chavadi ” (சத்திரம் சாவடி) concept of ancient Tamil culture, being established by the Trust and built and maintained from monetary contributions and donations. The devotees or pilgrims who could afford can also contribute donations to support the Trust to continue their services to the poor people.

The common shelters can be used by poor individuals and families, while individual resthouses can be used for nominal rent and charges. The Trust shall run a clinic in the premises of the choultries for medical aid and handling emergency health situations.

An asylum shall also be operated at one part of the campus of the choultry where poor spiritual senior citizens and minor children shall be taken care of.

Moreover, free meals shall be served for the local poor people at these choultries, during noon and night, so that the local people don’t starve. Good drinking water shall be provided throughout the day in all the choultries.