The Trust shall establish Community Centres or Halls near Temples to serve as multifunctional centres for multifarious activities, including as Community Halls, Cultural Centres, Village Halls, Civic Centres and Social Centres for the benefit and welfare of the spiritual devotees, worshippers and believers to further socioeconomic metamorphosis, status and development.

These Halls and the allied infrastructure shall enable social congregation for group activities, social support & networking and public information sharing exchanges among the local spiritual devotees, worshippers and believers. The premises can be used as a meeting place of the spiritual citizens for various issues and purposes. The spiritual people can use the premises for various celebrations and functions. The spaces can be used for spiritual discourses and bhajans and enable reformation. The halls can be used for volunteers’ activities. The local devotees can organize meetings and gatherings for the welfare of the spiritual community. The spiritual communities can utilize the halls and spaces for conducting family marriages. The halls can be used for local government activities and for discussion of local administration issues and problems. The spiritual communities can conduct and hold seminars, symposia and workshops. The spiritual devotees can conduct expositions and exhibitions. The spiritual community can use the premises for conducting coaching classes in school subjects for the benefit of the children. The spaces around the halls shall be developed into Parks with recreational facilities to serve as a resting place for the families of the local devotees and worshippers.

The Community Halls and the appending infrastructure shall be used as Cultural Centres to promote culture and arts, to serve as art and culture exhibitions and museums, to advocate development of local culture and folklore, to serve as tourism promotion and guidance centres, to promote various types of graphical arts and to support and sponsor performing arts, etc.

The Community Centres shall also function as Village Halls, and wherever larger concentration of the population resides, larger halls with kitchens and latrines shall be built and run by the Trust to benefit the local spiritual community to conduct variety of public and private functions, to hold spiritual council meetings, to conduct private parties like wedding receptions, birthday celebrations, etc., to have sports clubs functions, to conduct local drama and folklore performances and productions, to perform dance functions, to conduct jumble sales to raise money for charity and special events, to utilize the spaces as Village institutions, etc.

The halls and the adjoining spaces shall be used as focal points of Spirituality along with bookshops, good quality merchandise sales at fair prices, business promotion activities, etc.

The halls and the infrastructure around shall be best utilized for social welfare, socioeconomic development and metamorphosis, social empowerment and women emancipation for the benefit of the local spiritual community and to serve as meeting places, infoshops, free libraries, free shops, free schools, resource centres, mentorship and guidance workshops, mutual aid and gifting places, entertaining cafe spots, concert venues, etc.